400 MW Procurement - Travers Solar

  1. 1. 400 MW of Flexible Scalability

    Large enough for any demand, customizable to yours. At 400 MW, Travers will be Canada’s largest solar facility producing a significant amount of power capable of offsetting Alberta’s largest power loads. Solar’s scalability means that smaller commercial and industrial loads can contract.

  2. 2. Most Efficient Solar in Canada

    According to CanSIA, “Alberta receives more hours of sunshine than Miami, Florida in the summer months.” Additionally, Travers has a comparable solar potential to parts of Florida.

  3. 3. Best Buildable Attributes

    Travers has flat and simple topography, a short and inexpensive interconnection, and very few constraints on nearly 5000 acres of contiguous lands.

  4. 4. Lowest Environmental Impact

    Travers 400 MW Solar project has been independently validated by environmental agencies as one of the lowest impact project in Alberta. For a project of this magnitude to have low environmental impact not only paves the way for easy development but also has low chances of objections.

  5. 5. Great Story! Largest Impact on Grid Emissions

    400 MW of solar will have a huge impact on our emission intensive grid that currently rivals China. Alberta has a significant coal fleet and growing natural gas fleet. These fossil-fuel power plants drive a significant intensity of emissions in Alberta’s electric grid.

Source: Alberta Electric System Operator

Source: Alberta Electric System Operator

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